Daily Archives: 12/05/2011

Attack the Block

I had  a busy day, some very intense therapy in the morning, followed by coffee with my fellow group members, pity the poor sod that gets a seat next to us lot at pret a manger, mentalist r us basically.

then went home for my normal lunch, no originality there and out of the ordinary went with the wife to Costa coffee for half hour. stevie had football practice, only his second lesson but he loved it and i got to chat with another dad about loads of stuff from football to alcohol and everything in between.

Finally I went to the new Joe Cornish movie attack the block, which was excellent.

it’s basically about a gang of hoodies living on a south london estate they call the endz, the local drug kingpin rates himself as the owner of the titular block with nick frost putting in a sterling performance as his wasted dealer, while mugging a young nurse for her mobile phone, purse etc something crashes into the car they were standing next to, the nurse escapes as the boys get nosey and smell the chance to steal from the car, it is from this point things go awry.

The object proves to be a small alien which the boys hunt down and beat to death. once dead carry about for a while before leaving it with the local drug dealer, mayhem ensues as the aliens bigger male compatriots come looking for her and start to devour anyone that gets in their way.

the writing is very clever without resorting to the easy clichés usually adopted in these genre films, the hero’s are both horrible and charming at the same time, you do get involved in their plight and the young cast bring a sense or realism to their role that endears you to the reasons they do what they do and the odd code of conduct the set themselves. this is a very funny film but it is still about alien invasion and this is not overlooked in the story arc.

The cinematography was good as was the score, the directing by Joe Cornish was first class and I highly recommend this film to anyone, especially those who enjoyed Edgar Wrights other films, Shaun of the dead et al.

Hello world!

Hi to anyone brave enough to actually read my blog

I’m a 41 year old Londoner with two things going on in my life, firstly I have Borderline Personality Disorder which as you may know is quite a challenge not only for me but those around me, lets just say I’m interesting to be around at times. my other obsession is the movies, i see at least two films a week at the cinema and countless others on the various channels I have on my TV.

In this blog I intend to write about these two subjects in tandem, they are pretty much what I’m all about, I do other stuff which will no doubt make an appearence, my family life, volunteer work etc but primarily its Movies and mental health from here on in, I hope those who choose to read further will be interested and feel they can comment if they feel they would like to.